Dogs & Dilemmas

Dogs &

Rowdy hikes in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve

with a rambunctious pack of dogs helps one develop a sense of humor and an
ability to appreciate the lighter side of life. If you take yourself too seriously you
might see an occasional poo-poo in the kitchen or a butt-sniffing incident in
front of company you’re trying to impress as disasters instead of the disarming
stagings of canine Commedia dell’Arte that they are.  Dogs throw a wrench in our most cherished routines
and possessions.

Layla takes a break on a Scottsdale trail

The peed-on pillow, the dug-up garden and the change in plans
brought on by a trailside skunk encounter are disruptions made to bolster our resilience.

Dogs make
good pilots during times of crisis.

through their inconsistency, dogs send a consistent message: the only thing we
can control is our own behavior.  That’s
a good concept to embrace during a global pandemic.

Sophia Maria hikes Dixileta Trail in Scottsdale

Because of
conflicting messaging, coronavirus stay-at-home orders have been particularly trying
and confusing for hikers.

being told to both stay home and go out and hike because it’s “safe”.

The mantra
of “practicing social distancing” is proving to be just a catch phrase as parking
lots at popular trailheads are crammed full while vehicles circling like
vultures wait for available spaces.  Social media is replete with visuals of large
groups congregating and cars parked bumper-to-bumper along forest service roads
near “remote” trails where “nobody goes”.

Chessy at the Silly Mountain Park in Apache Junction

closures and restrictions that began as precautions are now necessities to
protect public health. For instance, Arizona State Parks had to temporarily close several parks
for day-use this past weekend due to overcrowding.

Kleiden loves hiking in Flagstaff

personal decision to avoid hiking hot spots has been met with ambivalence. 

It’s not
lost on me that many hikers refer to my reviews when researching trail
destinations and I am well aware that that comes with responsibility.  These past weeks, I’ve been overwhelmed with requests
for suggestions about where to go to escape the crowds and questions about why
I have not posted any new hike reviews. Truth is, I’m in a sort of Catch 22
situation.  Here’s why.

Maddie on the Aspen Loop Trail in Flagstaff

Like many
regular bloggers, I get dozens of pitches from marketers offering me free
products and services in exchange for promoting everything from trail foods and
gear to free trips to outdoor vacation destinations. (I do not accept any of
these perks, preferring to keep this blog non-commercial.)

The coronavirus
stay-at-home orders have changed the tone of the messages that land in my
inboxes. A few weeks ago, the drift was all about “stay home and stay safe”, “we’re
in this together”, “let’s care for each other” and “please stay away from small
towns to stem the spread of the virus.” But this weekend, the love fest took a disturbing
turn.  My email was rushed with pleas
from small businesses and communities to “send hikers to them” and a swell of “we’re
open for business” reminders.  Clearly, the novelty of the novel virus has lost
its panache.

Dogs make fine pilots in times of crisis


Rocco and Jasmine play on the Badger Springs Trail

All this at
the end of a week where I watched two of my favorite restaurants shut down for
good and heard that one of the services I use for my dogs is on the verge of going
under as well.  It’s heart wrenching.  The Catch 22 is this: If I start directing
hikers to the small communities that depend on tourism to survive in a time
when friends are fomites and visitors are vectors of disease will it be welcome
relief or a health hazard?  There is not yet
enough data to decide. 

In retrospect, there might be some humor to be found in
this historic episode of pandemonium.

But right
now, even when surrounded by six dogs vying for lap time, it’s not funny. It’s just confusing.

Since dog
is my co-pilot, I’ve decided that the best way to bring the pandemic to heel is to
sit and stay.


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