I'll Be Back. Later.

View from Crater Lake trail, Flagstaff

In all my decades of hiking, I've never been off the trails for more than a
few days. Now, I'm going on my second week without stepping foot on a hiking
trail. My choice to avoid trails for the time being is not only because of the
ongoing pandemic and the unprecedented (and reckless) surge in trail visitation
but because I do not want to strain our already overburdened first responders
and healthcare workers. What if I fell, got a snake bite or suffered a medical
crisis while hiking? That would pull resources (assuming they would even be
available) from where they should be focused.   Also consider that
when you travel to off-the-beaten trails, you will likely make rest stops, use
public facilities, get fuel or pick up some supplies thus risking unnecessary exposure
in small communities where resources and medical services  may be in short

Little Elden Trail, Flagstaff

It’s true that many popular hiking
destinations have not yet closed. But "open" and "okay" are
not the same thing.

I am spending my time researching and planning hikes for when the crisis is
over and looking forward to returning to Arizona’s high country and smelling the

Please use good judgment and stay safe. 


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